John O’Shea Live At The Good Ship
Check out the video of John O’Shea’s January performance of at The Good Ship!
Click here to find more info here on John O’Shea’s Music.…
Check out the video of John O’Shea’s January performance of at The Good Ship!
Click here to find more info here on John O’Shea’s Music.…
Check out the video of John O’Shea’s last performance of 2014 at Tower Tavern in London!
Click here to find more info here on John O’Shea’s Music.…
British rocker John O’Shea has released his 5 track debut EP that definitely proves that Rock n Roll is ALIVE and thriving.…
Today’s charts just reflect the minority of people who like that music and choose to buy it. It doesn’t reflect the majority of people who don’t like that music and choose not to buy it.…
“Where people are more than happy to continually fork out for apps on their iPhone, spend nearly £4 for a coffee in Starbucks, or spend a fiver at McDonalds, if any artist dare suggest that people should pay for their music, that might connect with them on a profound human level or even change their lives, they are shot down for being a money crabbing pariah”.…
In 2011 me and Anna recorded an album in East London, it was a lot of fun so we decided to turn into something more.…
BlankTV is premiering the new music video for ‘Get Up’ today! Check out the video below and read more info about the video here!…
Pop Culture Madness is premiering the song ‘When Giants Walked The Earth’ today! Download the track here!
More news about the new record, the John O’Shea EP and music video, to follow.…
National Rock Review is premiering the new song ‘Twisted Corridor’ today! Download the track here!
More news about the new record, the John O’Shea EP and music video, to follow.…
AltSounds is premiering the song ‘Big Boys Don’t Cry’ today! Download the track here!
More news about the new record, the John O’Shea EP and music video, to follow.…