John O’Shea Acoustic Live At The Star Of Kings
Following the release of my first single “The Classes Against The Masses” I decided to go back to my acoustic roots. As much as I love performing in a band, I’ve always been conscious that the noise a band produces can help to cover up a musician’s and singer’s weaknesses. Similarly, having been in the studio recently it brought it home to me how even thr slightest details can be smoothed over.
With an acoustic performance, however, there is no-where to hide. No drums to drown out wrong chord, no auto-tuning to correct a flat note, no light show to distract from a weak performance. It’s just your voice, your guitar, your songs and the audience. It’s real.
So when my friend Matt Phelan and Chris Hyland asked if I wanted to perform at The Star Of Kings for their Happiness Index launch, I jumped at the chance to get back to basics!
Click here to find more info here on John O’Shea’s Music.