John O’Shea Supports The Launch Of Creative Ealing
John O’Shea supported the launch of the consortium Creative Ealing at The Questors Theatre last night. Creative Ealing consists of The Drayton Court Hotel, The Ealing Club, Open Ealing and the Questors Theatre working together to promote the veunes and arts in the Ealing area.
Creative Ealing Launch With Nick Pearson Of Open Ealing
Creative Ealing Launch With Alistair Young Of The Ealing Club
The Drayton Court Hotel
Commercial boutique hotel which contains a performance space presenting jazz and comedy gigs.
The Drayton Court Hotel
2 The Avenue, West Ealing W13 8PH
The Ealing Club
Independent music club founded in 1957, which in 1962 became the birthplace of British Rhythm and Blues, and where the Rolling Stones first met and played.
The Ealing Club
The Red Room, Haven Place, Ealing W5 2NP (opposite Ealing Broadway Station, behind Haart’s estate agent)
Open Ealing
Arts organisation providing contemporary art, music and performance events and running a range of classes and workshops around Ealing.
Questors Theatre
Independent community theatre which presents 15-20 drama productions a year in its 350-seat Playhouse and 90-seat Studio, and runs theatre training courses through Questors Academy.
Questors Theatre
12 Mattock Lane, Ealing W5 5BQ