John O’Shea Interview With ‘Hand By Calloused Hand’
John O’Shea has just done an interview with the online blog Hand By Calloused Hand. Read the interview below!
Hand By Calloused Hand: Meet JOS
1) I haven’t been following you long, where have you been and where did you come from?
John: Well I’ve been writing since I was 16, tried going solo in my early 20s which went nowhere so in 2010 I decided to record the first album I ever wrote called Ad Nauseam. After a year of preparation I met Anna Thomas in March 2011 and together we recorded the album in 7 days. Once the album was completed I met Rosie Botterill through Anna and Chris Pinkton through an advert. After just a few gigs another friend of Anna’s Nathan Baldachino completed the line up of JOS.
Rosie: We formed around october last year, so we haven’t been around long! I was the last to join after meeting John through Anna. I had been playing in a previous band who had just broke up when John got in contact with me. It was perfect timing!
2) How would you describe your music?
John: Ummm… That’s a bit tricky. We’re a rock band, but we’re rock in the broadest sense. For me rock is everything from Bob Dylan to Marilyn Manson and everything in between and the band reflects that. I think instinctively we’re a grungy punk rock band, but as musicians we’d never limit ourselves. Also, I get bored really quickly of my own songs so the idea of doing the same thing twice I find utterly repulsive. As a result every album is different from every other album. We’re no one trick pony.
Rosie: This is a tricky question for me because our style is very broad it’s quite hard to explain. Although almost all the song fall in the rock category. You’ll just have to come and see us to find out!
3) What was the first album you bought?
John: Can’t remember. I can remember nicking my sisters copy of Guns N’ Roses Use Your Illusion II and listening to that constantly. I suppose the only album I can think of that I used to listen to a lot before that was Queen’s Innuendo.
Rosie: I really don’t think I can remember that long ago! Probably some bullshit, I didn’t have a great music taste as a child hah. I think the 1st album I remember buying which I still have now was Evanescence’s debut album Fallen. That was really big when it came out, I was 10 at the time so it was probably the 1st album I brought with my own money so I guess that counts.
Read the whole interview here at Hand By Calloused Hand!